How to Stay Updated as a Web Developer

How to Stay Updated as a Web Developer

My Favorite Resources For Development News & Guides

2 min read

Web development is an extremely dynamic field.

How can you find the best content online?

Below are my Favorite ways: 馃憞

Daily.Dev - Chrome Extension

Every time you open a new tab you'll get a list of courted news & articles aggregated from the web :


You can also filter by tags:


From my experience, the content is highly relevant and I always find something good to read.

Bonus: It's open-sourced

Bonus 2: The developers are from Israel (my home country鈽猴笍)


Twitter is an amazing resource for anything tech related. you can find there even CEOs and thought leaders in the tech world that are sharing their insights.

I recommend following topics to get exposed to great tweets: (Menu: More -> Topics) image.png

Here's web development for example:


Some people just use Search to find a tutorial on a specific topic.

Why not subscribe and get recommendations right in the front page?

My favorite channels for web dev. with current number of subscribers:

Blogging Platforms


All three are amazing and full of community driven content.

Unlike the other two, Medium is not specifically for dev content and also the only one that has paywall after a few daily free articles.


Telegram has become quite popular.

If you're already using it for chats, why not add some dev channels?

Two channels I follow:



Thats it for this post.

Thanks for reading!

Cover Photo by Farzad Nazifi on Unsplash